Masonic Boom

"Crazy" "Oversensitive" "Feminazi" "Bitch" bloggin' bout pop music, linguistics and mental health issues

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Good Plan, Well Carried Out

It's a bad sign when you wake up, and the first thought that runs through your head is how much you hate your record label.

Yes, I'm in a pissy mood, and the Red Dragon finally decided to come and visit me this morning, but I'm trying to be positive and look for good things. Truck had been the Big Event On The Horizon for so long, and now that's over I'm feeling a bit spare. Yes, I was so stressed over Truck, and so scared that I nearly called the whole thing off - but with careful planning and careful organisation (and yes, with the magnificently calm approach of Emsk) it all went off perfectly, like clockwork, and it was highly enjoyable, peaceful and stress free.

See what a good plan, well carried out, can do?

And the bad things, you just have to take them and learn from them. Write it off to experience or taxes. What have I learned? NEVER, no matter what you are promised, EVER work with someone you do not trust or do not like. Trust your instincts. Something else will always come along.

And speaking of something better, I went out for drinks with E last night, who is going through a bit of a "Rip it up and start again" moment in his life. This can be a very good thing, if it gives you the impetus to go out and do all those things you've always dreamed of. And, coincidentally, one of the things that E has always dreamed of, since he worked at {Deeply Cool Electronica Label}, is starting his own record label.

He's taking the month of August to do some Deep Thought, then perhaps start in September. Perfect timing, as I was going to spend August recording and hope to have some kind of album by September. E's got a quite similar aesthetic to me, hippie hair, Liberty prints and Titanium Powerbooks. I trust him implicitly, both ethically and on a business level - he's one of a handful of people I would entrust with my PIN, that's how philosophically sound I think he is. We don't always agree, but we're friends and we respect one another, and our opinions.

This is a good basis for working with someone. And so, we start to plan.


Blogger Andrew Farrell said...

Rather surprisingly, I might have (or less surprisingly be able to put you in touch with) a music-related opportunity as well. I'll call you this evening, or definitely over the weekend.

4:52 pm  

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