Masonic Boom

"Crazy" "Oversensitive" "Feminazi" "Bitch" bloggin' bout pop music, linguistics and mental health issues

Friday, August 11, 2006

Scrobble Me This

OK, this is the bit where it starts to get odd. I was checking out the UK Watercooler's page*, and saw a link to the Shimura's page, so for a laff I checked it out. Pretty cool, wow, people are, like, actually listening to our music. Rock on.

And then I clicked on the fans page. I mean, I went once before when AMP was showing me she'd set it up or something, and I pretty much knew everyone on it - either personally, through the band, or through ILX. And now suddenly, there's all these people there, listening to us, that I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE.

I know this is the way it's supposed to happen when you're a band, that there should come a point where you get fans outside your immediate cirle. But still, it's weird to see them all gathered in one place, with their pictures, and links to the other music they like. I'm not sure if it's a headfuck or an ego massage, when you click on their charts, and it's either "wow, you've got great taste, I'm flattered" or "Eeuuw, what is all this twee shite? You don't really think we're like that, do you?". Either way, it's weird. Like something that you, as an artist, shouldn't really have access to.

*No, I haven't joined, because I cannot install scrobbling software on my work 'puter, and have no interweb at home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no interweb at home

that's just perverse

1:28 am  
Blogger Masonic Boom said...

I have caved and got an account, just because there is no ILX today.

Can't listen to anything, can't even seem to tag properly to get the places I want to be, but I've done it.

it will, of course, be abandonned the moment the ILX is back up.

12:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, remember that your fans who use are probably a small subset of your total fans.

7:39 am  

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